Welcome to Central & South Knowsley PCN’s website

Here you will be able to find out about which practices are part of our network and the exciting projects we are working on to help improve the health & wellbeing of our population. If you would like to find out more about how the PCN can help shape the services available to the residents of Central & South Knowsley, contact your GP Practice and ask to join their Patient Participation Group.

About Central & South Knowsley PCN

Primary Care Networks or PCN’s are groups of local geographically aligned GP practices that are working together to provide coordinated, joined up care for Patients by working closely alongside other local health and social care service providers. 

Central & South Knowsley covers 11 GP Practices in the Knowsley area and has a population of over 75,000 patients.

From Monday 1st July, the GP Practices that form Central & South Knowsley PCN are working collaboratively with other community providers to provide access to medical services for their patient population of an evening and weekend. Contact your GP Surgery for more information and to book an appointment.

Useful Links

Healthy, simple and affordable recipes

A great piece of work has been carried out by one of our neighbouring GP networks in Knowsley. The Kirkby Mum’s, patients and practices have been working with students from Liverpool John Moore’s University in co-developing the Kirkby Kitchen Cook Book. It is packed with tasty simple cost effective health meals for you to try. Please download the book for free and give us some feedback.

Get Cooking!!  www.kirkbykitchen.co.uk